Workplace or office branding is an exercise of crafting, building, maintaining and reinforcing the perception a company wants to create in the mind of its internal and external stakeholders. It is founded on the tangible and intangible branding elements that have to work hand in hand and aligned, engaging people at emotional level. Workplace branding through interior design needs to deliver consistent, clear and most importantly, a distinctive brand message that a company owns exclusively.
Branding a workplace is impossible before a company has decided its own branding strategy. The corporate colours and style including the typography and imagery are only the basic components. If a company wants to create a specific perception, say, innovativeness or creativity, additional attention has to be put on the décor, furniture, fittings, lighting, infrastructure and technology equipment deployed. The concept is simple, what perception a person is portraying to you if he is using a MacBook compared to if he is using a Dell? We know both are good brands but they do portray different impressions and ideas. So, the brands you are using do have a great impact on the image you are trying to portray to your staff, clients and vendors. You should not take it lightly.
Workplace branding through interior design goes beyond slapping company logos and using corporate colours everywhere. Identify the key audiences you want to deliver your brand message to helps in identifying the ideal places to communicate corporate core values, milestones and compelling stories through graphics and infographics. Reception area, lift lobby, stairwell and conference room can be great venues.
A workplace with branding elements benefits a business in several ways:
- It displays commitment of a company towards its vision, mission, culture, brand value, ethos and professionalism.
- It creates good impression to potential and existing clients.
- It helps to attract and retain talents by creating sense of pride in employees.
- It motivates employees and boost productivity.
You need to pay attention when you are going to own or rent an office space where you have a highly restricted freedom in configuring, designing, renovating and decorating. Such limitation is a huge drawback to workplace branding.
We have years of experience in designing workspaces that deliver our clients’ brand messages. Talk to us if you would like to explore the possibility of making your workspace speaks for your brand.